Senin, 21 Oktober 2019

TLS Group - Penambangan Cryptocurrency Energi Hijau

Apa itu Energi Hijau?

Energi hijau adalah energi yang dihasilkan dengan cara yang membuat planet kita tersenyum. Energi dalam bentuk apa pun pasti akan tetap memiliki efek negatif pada manusia karena biasanya menghasilkan polusi sebagai produk sampingan. Ini terutama berlaku untuk bahan bakar fosil yang menghasilkan emisi gas rumah kaca seperti karbon dioksida. Namun, yang membedakan energi hijau dari jenis energi lain adalah kemampuannya untuk meminimalkan polusi selama produksi atau bahkan tidak sama sekali.

Definisi paling sederhana dari energi hijau adalah energi yang dihasilkan dari sumber energi yang lebih ramah lingkungan (atau "hijau") dibandingkan dengan bahan bakar fosil (batubara, minyak, dan gas alam).

Itu sebabnya energi hijau mencakup semua sumber energi terbarukan (matahari, angin, panas bumi, biofuel, tenaga air), dan menurut definisi juga harus mencakup energi nuklir walaupun ada banyak aktivis lingkungan yang menentang gagasan energi nuklir memasuki energi hijau karena nuklir memiliki masalah limbah, dan pengaruhnya yang berbahaya bagi lingkungan.

Sumber utama energi hijau adalah matahari yang menyediakan energi matahari. Jenis energi hijau lainnya termasuk angin, panas bumi dan tenaga air yang semuanya dapat diproduksi tanpa menghasilkan emisi gas rumah kaca. Tetapi ada jenis energi kontroversial dari daftar ini yaitu energi nuklir yang hanya membutuhkan sejumlah kecil bahan bakar nuklir untuk mendapatkan energi dalam jumlah besar tanpa menghasilkan emisi gas rumah kaca. Namun, nuklir dapat menjadi jenis energi yang sangat mematikan sehingga merupakan pilihan yang buruk di mata banyak orang.

Penambangan Cryptocurrency Energi Hijau:

Kita perlu memberi insentif energi hijau untuk penambangan cryptocurrency. Setiap perusahaan yang menggunakan blockchain juga mendefinisikan sistemnya sendiri untuk kompensasi penambang. Blockchain baru dapat dengan mudah menawarkan insentif yang lebih baik kepada penambang, seperti lebih banyak mata uang kripto, untuk menggunakan energi hijau - yang pada akhirnya menyingkirkan penambang yang berpolusi.

Apa itu CSP dan bagaimana cara kerjanya?

Pertambangan dan masalah nya:

Siklus penambangan blokir yang memberikan insentif kepada orang-orang di seluruh dunia untuk menambang cryptocurrency yang  berjalan pada hubungan konsensus Bukti Kerja.

Karena penambangan dapat menghasilkan aliran pendapatan yang solid, orang-orang sangat membutuhkan mesin yang membutuhkan daya untuk mendapatkan bagian dari itu.

Selama bertahun-tahun ini telah menyebabkan konsumsi energi total jaringan Bitcoin tumbuh hingga proporsi epik, karena harga mata uang mencapai tertinggi baru. Seluruh jaringan Bitcoin sekarang menghabiskan lebih banyak energi dari negara lain, berdasarkan laporan yang dikeluarkan oleh Badan Energi Internasional.

The TLS Solusi:

Solusi investasi Masternode:

Portofolio Masternodes kami akan dikelola dengan risiko. Kami akan menggunakan teknik pengoptimalan Markowitz untuk memastikan diversifikasi aset yang tepat. Estimasi VaR akan digunakan untuk mengatasi risiko ekor. Teknik minimalisasi volatilitas statistik juga akan digunakan. Tim peneliti TLS pergi jauh ke pasar dan memilih keranjang berkinerja terbaik.

Solusi penambangan:

Energi yang dihasilkan oleh generator asinkron dan energi yang diregenerasi langsung ke dalam jaringan tanpa transformasi pada inverter adalah energi terbaik (mentransformasikan ideal) dalam hal kualitas.

Solusi Konglomerat:

Solusi kami adalah penggabungan teknologi ini dengan pusat data yang melengkapi perendaman dan peralatan penambangan dengan kapasitas nominal minimal 2-10 Megawatt untuk berbagai protokol mata uang digital.



Kami bertanggung jawab atas transaksi dan menyerahkan data untuk investor.


Semua spesialis kami memiliki lebih dari 5 tahun pengalaman hukum, keuangan, teknis dan praktis. Mereka menggunakan pengetahuan mereka dalam pekerjaan sehari-hari


Kami menggunakan teknologi inovatif di bidang Energi Hijau dan algoritme pengelolaan uang.


Manajer kami selalu siap menjawab pertanyaan Anda. Anda dapat menghubungi kami di akhir pekan dan malam hari.


Tim kami terbuka dan siap berdialog untuk seluruh dunia.


akses pembelian token dilakukan hanya untuk investor nyata yang telah lulus verifikasi.
Manfaat Investor Grup TLS

Kapasitas konsentrasi TLS Grup energi menghasilkan Pembangkit hijau akan menghilangkan Kebutuhan untuk review KOLAM Pihak Ketiga mempertimbangkan untuk review melakukan Penambangan cryptocurrency . Solusi ini memberikan peluang untuk kapitalisasi cepat dan mengumpulkan dividen untuk pemegang saham dengan pembayaran dividen melalui kontrak pembelian token. Persentase dividen yang ditetapkan sebelumnya tidak kurang dari 40%, jumlah ini akan didistribusikan di antara pemegang token setiap hari setelah dikirim pusat data.

keuntungan kita:

Kehadiran Teknologi Energi Hijau yang unik 

Yayasan kami, bersama dengan mitranya, memiliki teknologi unik untuk memproses energi matahari untuk penggunaan penambangan mata uang kripto . Rincian lebih lanjut dapat ditemukan di bawah.

Tidak perlu membeli ASIC atau GPU

Untuk memulai penambangan cryptocurrency dengan bantuan dana, tidak perlu membeli peralatan penambangan. Teknologi yang digunakan memungkinkan Anda menerima pendapatan pasif 40% per bulan.

Pengembalian investasi jangka pendek

Dengan berinvestasi dalam token TLS , Anda menjadi pemegang saham perusahaan dan mendapatkan hak untuk menerima bagian dari pendapatan perusahaan, 40% dari pendapatan dibayarkan setiap hari ke token kontrak pintar setelah meluncurkan pusat data.

Tidak ada biaya listrik

Semua orang tahu bahwa penambangan dalam bentuk tradisionalnya adalah perusahaan yang mengkonsumsi energi, untuk peluncuran dan pengoperasian peralatan penambangan, kami menggunakan teknologi Energi Hijau kami.

Spesifikasi Kontrak Cerdas TLS :

Transparansi. Saldo tetap

TLS adalah token Ethereum. Sesuai dengan ERC-20 -
standar adalah de facto dan banyak digunakan oleh token API. Informasi tentang
jumlah token setiap pengguna bahaya publik.


Semua informasi tentang transfer tersedia untuk umum dan dapat dilacak pada saat tiba.



Hanya pengguna dan kontrak Ehtereum yang dapat menjadi pemegang token.


Setiap token harus dimiliki oleh pengguna holding tunggal. Tidak ada token yang dimiliki bersama.

Hak untuk mentransfer

Token dapat ditransfer ke pengguna lain hanya atas perintah langsung dari pemegangnya atau atas transfer penerima, yang langsung diotorisasi oleh pemegangnya.



Hanya tiga pengguna, satu pemegang kontrak, dan dua manajer perusahaan yang dapat menerbitkan


Manajemen kontrak


Pemegang kontrak dapat melepaskan hak kepemilikannya untuk setiap pengguna Ethereum atau kontrak lainnya.


Pemegang kontrak dapat menangguhkan atau melanjutkan transfer token di antara pemegang kapan saja jika ada penggantian di dalam pemegang tindakan.



Setiap pembicaraan, yang mengarah pada kesalahan, tidak mengubah token, pengguna atau keseimbangan, kecuali untuk


Mungkin ada jumlah maksimum yang diizinkan dari token yang dikeluarkan ditentukan dan terbatas


Kontrak berisi fitur token pembakaran; token yang tersisa pada akun pemegang akan dibakar.


jalan investasi yang berbeda seperti yang direkomendasikan sebelumnya.

Hubungan memuji akan dilakukan pada penelitian aset yang dilakukan oleh tim peneliti kami yang sangat berkualitas dan berpengalaman. Token akan didukung oleh hak untuk menerima bagian dari 40% dari dividen yang dialokasikan oleh pro rata.

Secara total 2 miliar token TLS akan dikeluarkan dari yang 200.000 token akan dicadangkan untuk tim dan pendiri. 12% dari jumlah yang diterima melalui penjualan token akan dihabiskan untuk Penelitian dan Pengembangan. Sisa 88% dari token akan diinvestasikan di

Distribusi Token:

Token Info:

Nama: Token TLS
Simbol: TLS
Ketik: ERC20
Formulir: Keamanan (Dividen)
Desimal: 8
Masalah Maksimum: 2 miliar TLS
Token pembakaran: OK!
Soft cap: 10 000 000 USD
Hard cap: 20 000 000 USD

99,99% token dialokasikan untuk penjualan gratis, kontrak token gratis, disediakan untuk dijual token - ini diperlukan untuk menyelamatkan efek dari dividen.

Program rujukan:

Anda dapat menarik pengguna baru dan mendapatkan bonus untuk mereka.

1 tingkat: 10%
2 tingkat: 8%
3 tingkat: 6%
4 tingkat: 4%
5 tingkat: 2%

Program bonus:

Bonus yang diberikan sebagai tambahan untuk pembelian token besar.

1000-10000 TLS : 3%
10000-15000 TLS : 5%
15000-25000 TLS : 7%
25000-50000 TLS : 10%
50000-10000 TLS : 15%
100000-1000000 TLS : 20%

Peta Jalan:

28 FEB 2018
Pembuatan Dana Investasi Cryptocurrency TLS Group

01 April 2019 - 31 Mei 2019
Obral Pribadi

01 JUNI 2019 - 31 Agustus 2019

01 September 2019 - 30 Okt 2019

Q4 2019
Daftar di bursa

Q4 2019
Luncurkan Pusat Data

Q1 2020
Pendaftaran Lisensi Perbankan

Q2 2020
Pengembangan koin hibrida untuk pembayaran bank

Q3 2020
Integrasi teknologi blockchain ke dalam pembayaran bank:

Temui tim kami:

Ruslan Khokhlov: Presiden dana cryptocurrency TLS Group
Viktor Kopylov: Presiden Financial Group Si14
Pranav Arya: Kepala Marketing Officer TLS Group
Deepanshu Bhatt: Investor Relation TLS Group
Anatoly Korogodsky: CEO Grup Perusahaan Akor Direkt
Alexander Korogodsky: Kepala Perancang Produksi, Kepala Departemen Desain Utama


TLS adalah perusahaan yang bertujuan memfasilitasi pembayaran yang universal yang membahas standar operasi bank dan teknologi blockchain sambil mengeluarkan koin hibrida yang diberikan protokol POW, POS dan master nodes. Integrasi pembayaran ini di dalam pembayaran perbankan akan menerapkan sistem yang disetujui bersama dalam jaringan konvensional apa pun. Ini juga akan berlaku untuk badan hukum atau individu.

itu saja yang saya tulis tentang proyek TLS Group, Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan kunjungi tautan di bawah ini:


Nama Pengguna:Devani17

ETH Address:0xfC9eC58F3F077874ABdAf6F971f63E84d6F134c4

Selasa, 15 Oktober 2019

WANT MARKETPLACES STO (WNT) - Global e-commerce for B2B, B2C, O2O and C2C

Hasil gambar untuk want marketplaces

Hello all my friends with me Devani17, today I will discuss a crypto project called Want Marketplace, below I will give some more detailed explanation of the Want Marketplace project


Global e-commerce ecosystem of B2B, B2C, O2O and C2C hyperlocal, social, private groups, secure message-based Marketplace directly on the Android platform and currently available in the United States, India, Indonesia, the Philippines with the B2B Global Trade Application - WANT available around the world. Another B2C, C2C product launch will soon be in the United States, India, Europe, the United Kingdom and Southeast Asia. Supported by our central search engine, Benipal, developed over the past 10 years with support for performing contextual and relational searches with Images, Text and Sound. See Pitch Deck and White Book for more details on our amazing search engine technology. Benipal, the most sophisticated shopping search engine ever developed.

Sales details for tokens:

Type: Security Token Offer
Token Type: ERC-20
Platform: Ethereum Blockchain
Symbol: WNT
Company Name: Benipal SA
Country: BVI.

Become part of the global B2B, B2C, O2O and C2C global e-commerce markets. Benipal SA was founded in March 2009 with the simple aim of making the most sophisticated search and travel search engine. At present, there are also several e-commerce markets in the B2B, B2C, O2O and C2C segments in various countries. Search engine technology is core to the image and power of searching for votes from every market and we ask to be the market leader in every geographical area for market segments.

British Virgin Islands Operations: Benipal SA launches B2B, B2C, O2O, C2C e-commerce ecosystems in various countries with markets launched in the United States, India, Southeast Asia and Global.

Security Tokens: Each Security Token represents 1 share of Benipal SA, BVI Company

Total Shares: 1,000,000,000 Capped and equal to 1 Share per Token

Total Transfer Tokens: 1,000,000,000 Capped
Available for Public Sales: 100,000,000
Detained by the Company: 725,000,000
Founder: 125,000,000
Team: 47,500,000
Airdrop: 2,500,000
Soft Cap: US $ 2,000,000
Target: US $ 20,000,000
Minimum Price Offered: US $ 0.20 per Security Token /
Strike Share Prices during Private Sales: Discount prices are 90% of the lowest price offered during Public Sales with SAFT, 92.5% without SAFT
Pre-sale Price: Determined at the end of the Personal Sales, but not lower than US $ 0.20
Minimum Investment: US $ 1 or equivalent
Maximum Investment: Not maximum
Accept: Wire Transfers in USD, Euro, GBP, CAD, AUD, BTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, XRP, XMR
Conditions: Increase in Selling Price, Can be Refunded if the Hats are not met, Dividend offered 12%, Share Ownership, Conversion options, Time Locked for Company, Founder. Vesting schedule for the Team.
Use of Results: New Office, Recruitment Team, Call Center for Operations, Marketing, Technology Improvement
Product Status: B2B, O2O, C2C markets live in Global markets, the United States, India and Southeast Asia


Free 50 Million Security Tokens are offered at Personal Sales starting today until closing on August 31, 2016 with a value of 90% discount from the lowest price during Public Sales, currently set at US $ 0.20. Personal selling price with SAFT is US $ 0.18 and without SAFT is US $ 0.185.


November 2019
Open a New York Office

November 2019 - January 2020
Employs senior levels for India, US and Global operations.
Positions based in New York and India.

December 2019
Open India Call Center and Office.
Start Marketing for B2B Android Marketplaces in India.

February 2020
Start Marketing for the O2O Android Market in India
Launch iOS versions of all Markets

March 2020
Open Phoenix, AZ Call Center for USA B2B Sales
Start marketing for the United States B2B market on iOS
Launch a web version of all Markets

April 2020
Open a Call Center based in the Philippines
Opened Office based in Singapore
Start Marketing for O2O Android, iOS, the Web Market in Southeast Asia
Start Marketing for the beni - C2C market in India

May 2020
Start marketing for the Global B2B Marketplace - WANT on Android, iOS and the Web.
Start marketing the beni-C2C market in the United States
Launch Crypto Marketplace - Road Globally

June 2020
Start Advertising for beni - C2C Marketplace in Southeast Asia on iOS, Android and the Web
Launch WANT - B2C marketplace in India on Android
Launched a market focused on high-end Fashion in the United States

July 2020
Launch B2C Marketplace in Southeast Asia on iOS, Android and the Web
Launch O2O Marketplace in Latin America

August 2020
Launch WANT - B2C Marketplace in the United States on iOS, Android, Web

September 2020
Launch want locally - O2O Marketplace in the United States on iOS, Android, Web

October 2020
Arrange London Offices
Launches U.K and European Operations for WANT - B2C Marketplace, wants local - O2O Marketplace and beni - C2C Marketplace on iOS, Android and the Web
Launched a top-class Fashion Marketplace focus in the UK, Germany, France

November 2021
Benipal S.A. listing a subsidiary on OTC, AIM or the Singapore stock exchange through a reverse merger.

This is all my writing this time about the Want Marketplace project, I hope it's useful for those of you who want to get to know about this project.

for more detailed information about the Want Marketplace project. You can visit the link below:



ETH Address:0xfC9eC58F3F077874ABdAf6F971f63E84d6F134c4

Senin, 14 Oktober 2019

Soraix changed the traditional stock market by tokenizing the exchange of assets through blockchain technology

Hasil gambar untuk bounty Soraix

About Soraix:

Soraix is ​​determined to radically change traditional stock exchanges by tokenization of asset exchanges through blockchain technology. In doing so, our goal is to change public perceptions of digital assets in a positive direction, resulting in greater adaptation and stability in the industry. Soraix will provide significant benefits for traditional investors (retail traders, the general public) and businesses of all sizes. Traditional users will benefit from our first revenue sharing model, which allows them to exchange their SRX tokens for equity tokens with a higher valuation (and if they wish, immediately sell equity tokens purchased for fiat currency, ensuring all profits in commerce) Corporate clients will have the ability to raise funds by issuing capital tokens on our platform. For more information on this,


For merchants

Retailers will be offered a variety of simple and complex business tools and features, including an unprecedented revenue sharing model.

For investors

Soraix will allow investors to acquire digital shares of the company in the form of capital tokens and trade them

Technical information:

SRX tokens can be used to buy Equity tokens with a value of 1: 1: it allows operators to exchange tokens with lower values that make sense for one of the highest values.

Equity token

The equity token can be viewed as a digital version of the issuing company's shares where each equity token is placed in a stock of the issuing company.

Initial Investor Bonus

Initial bonus for investors: when buying SRX tokens during the first two weeks of our ICO, we will match your purchase with an additional value of 10% SRX tokens at no additional cost to you. The bonus will amount to 5% for investors who buy our tokens during weeks 3 and 4.

Our mission:

Our mission is to radically change the traditional stock market by tokenization of asset exchanges through blockchain technology. As such, we are determined to change public perceptions of digital assets in a positive direction, resulting in greater adaptation and stability in the industry.

Stock trading with Blockchain:

ETO's special blockchain will be a new way to exchange shares with unmatched security, performance and profitability for our investors.

Experienced team:

We have a strong team led by Lucas Komarnicki that combines traditional finance with the world of cryptocurrencies.


Price - 0,00025 ETH
Total supply - 1 000 000 000
General sales group: 60% (600,000,000 SRX)
Softcover - $ 4,500,000 USD
Rigid lid - $ 24 million USD

Assignment of token:

60% - Sales of tokens
5% - Prize and air launch
5% - Advisor
10% - Reserve
20% - Team


Q1, 2019
Initial Market Analysis Concept

Q2, 2019
Company Formation. Assemble the core team.

Q3, 2019
ICO placement.

The fourth quarter of 2019
He launched the MVP version of the Soraix platform.

Q1, 2020 P
Public API distribution.

Q2, 2020
Launch of social and mobile trading applications.

Q3, 2020
implement the ETO blockchain specifically.

Technology Team:

Janusz Żółtański
Andrzej Budzanowski
Grzegorz Łyskawa
Przemysław Michalak
Przemyslaw Hejduk
Krystian Adamczak
Hieu Nguyen

Founding father:

Lucas Komarnicki - CEO
Przemek Plazinski - CFO
Patrick Kubicki - CTO

Advice and Law:

Justin Fulcher
Angeline Mbogo
Damian Maslej
George Nyoro
Wojtek Stefanczyk
Michael Pluta
Gabriel Kaimakliotis
Bartosz Robaszewski

For more accurate information, visit the following link:



ETH Address: 0xfC9eC58F3F077874ABdAf6F971f63E84d6F134c4

Minggu, 13 Oktober 2019

Clevebet REVIEW

Hasil gambar untuk CLEVEBET

Hello all my friends with me Devani17, On this occasion I will give an explanation or understanding of the most reliable betting platform in the world, Clevebet, for more details, let us refer to my Blog or Article below, Hopefully useful for friends all.

Online gambling has become more popular lately. There are various types of games that can be easily launched, of course, with many advantages that are very easy to obtain. For example, online games of dominoes, games with the ball in Clevebet agents, or games in online casinos that are very stressful and fun. Well, various online gambling games will certainly be very useful for everyone, especially if this person launches them on a high-quality site like Clevebet'Site.

Sports betting is the prediction of sports results and the arrangement of results. The frequency of sports betting varies depending on the culture: most parties are placed on football associations, car races, on an amateur and professional level.

As a peer-to-peer decentralized network, Clevebet allows people to bet on anything, anytime and against anyone. Changing any situation becomes a social bet, who can drink faster than anyone who wins the next round of golf or who first loses 10 pounds. If your friends do not exist, find new friends by doing a search or making a batch of sports on the Clevebet global network. Clevebet brings the party back to the basics among the people.


CVB is the most reliable betting platform based on ethereum technology and smart contracts. Despite the fact that betting has become a mass business nowadays, there are a number of problems that must be faced. These include security weaknesses, unfair opportunities, overly high accusations, unprofessional practices, and disappointing returns. All of this discourages potential players, and many of them choose underground bets. Thanks to the CVB solution, maximum security and transparency when working with bets is ensured thanks to blockchain technology. In accordance with this arrangement, intermediaries are not included: players set their bets, as well as generate funds for profitable prospects. To maintain funds and send winnings freely depending on the conditions and outcome of the bet

How does it work?

On the CVB platform, users can bet on various sports activities. Other betting platforms often operate with books and this makes players feel less secure and uncomfortable. On the CVBplatform, players can play directly with each other, creating playgrounds with completely new and interesting rules. We will get profit from the platform by charging a minimum fee from the player (much cheaper than many betting platforms). When we launch the platform, the user will deposit the CVB token to play ($ 11.99 will be the lowest bet value).


Games with a minimum prize for winners are $ 100,000. With the first 10 points, players must get 1000 points a week (7 days). The prize for the winner is $ 100,000. The game participation fee is $ 11.99 per round (including $ 10 for the prize budget and $ 1.99 for the fee).


Arena 100 continues to open with a fixed number of players in each room: 10, 20, 50, 100 players (players can choose the room they want to play). When there are enough players in a room, Clevebet will randomly choose a match to bet on. Tickets include $ 11.99, $ 22.99, $ 55.99, $ 111.99.


Match of Arena is a game that is started by a match. Each match is equivalent to a game that starts with a different ticket price of $ 11.99; $ 22.99; $ 55.99; $ 111.99. For this game, all participants will play in the form of placing batches and unlimited numbers of players (eg Arena Game 100). The game is available to start registering before the match lasts 01 hours and finish to register after the match lasts the first 15 minutes. Players start placing the batch when the match starts.

Clevebet aims:

To be the most respected global platform that is made exclusively for players to bet anything, anytime against anyone, but will quickly develop to add multi-batches where several players can take that complete position against a larger betting game. Clevebet will add an exclusive feature for our token holders to participate in batches collected at sports and casino matches which proves a fair style of play in which they use the Clevebet mark to play.

To facilitate decentralized applications, Clevebet’s smart contracts use our Clevebettokens to ensure the batch is settled automatically. Clevebet tokens are an important part of Clevebet’s ecosystem and economy. The main function of the Clevebettoken is the player to risk their balance which will allow the player to become an oracle and report the results of events. When oracle reaches consensus, they receive service fees from the batch that are settled.

But that is not all the benefits that can accrue from the CVB system, there are others like:

Superb support centered around community.
Sophisticated gamification parts that make the activity even more enjoyable.
Privacy ensured at all levels.
Better player experience and cost-effective system.
Availability on several platforms such as the Internet, Android, and iOS.
Solution-based and quick delivery system backed by our ever-reliable ERC-20 digital token (CVB).


There are several obstacles embedded in the Internet-based betting market. Other fac-tors aside, the odds are still on the side of the bookmakers, winnings are frequently not paid and even those who record frequent wins find themselves banned for no reason. In short, there is no openness and safety, there are outrageous charges and low gains and the social interaction is nothing to write home about. All of these challenges prevent many prospective bettors from getting involved.

To stress, CVB is designed to tackle the following market challenges:



In summary, CVB tackles the most important problems facing the traditional betting industry and it does this by taking the power from the betting providers and the places same directly with the players. Players are in charge of their batch, fix the rules and get the liquidity for their winnings. The entire system is absolutely decentralized, open and it regulates itself. With the use of blockchain technology, there is absolutely no need for a middleman (who causes almost all the problems in the first place in traditional betting). With Smart Contracts, all agreements are adhered to and the funds of the players are also kept safe and secure.

There are three fundamental parts of the CVB network and they are:


This is the blockchain-dependent engine that powers the overall system. This includes the Smart Contracts, CVB Wallet and a number of items. It is this technology that allows for secure, just and open betting. The CVB Protocol is standard- ized and allows for all that contributes to an excellent and ideal betting platform.

This is the ERC-20 electronic token that the CVB depends on. Every transaction and a sufficient part of the ecosystem payments are all dependent on it. The CVB token is totally usable with many other Ether wallets like Imtoken, MyEther- Wallet, and others. Players who didn’t get the CVB token when it was one sale can procure it is via their CVB Wallet or from crypto exchanges.


It is the Application Layer that actually does all the magic. It is a collection of outstanding applications embedded with the CVB Protocol. This allows for more user-centered design of all applications.


Round-the-clock betting on numerous teams
An embedded player chat feature
Outstanding social characteristics like group events and leaderboards
Comprehensive bet records and stats
Safe wallet and withdrawal alternatives
User-friendly interface

Our Features:

Token Sale:

Start date: OCT, 2019
End Date: June, 2020
Soft Cover: 1,000,000 CVB
Hard stamp: 10,000,000 CVB
Token: CVB Token
Starting Price: 1 CVB = $ 1
Token Sales: 0 CVB (0%)
Token Sales: 0 CVB (0%)

Token Sale Proceeds Allocation:

Marketing - 35%
Management Team - 5%
Project Development - 45%
Legal procedure - 5%
Prize fund - 10%

Distribution Token:

ICO Sales -75%
Development Team - 20%
Airdrop & Bounty - 5%



Ha Fan - Founder and CEO
Giang Tong - Main Marketing
Kuan Pham - Leading Sales Team
Tung Nguyen - Blockchain Application Developer
Long Le - Community Manager


CVB starts with the aim of producing an ideal solution to a problem. We handle all issues that are rampant in the traditional betting industry. With the help of the latest technology, we can deliver an innovative, decentralized and user-friendly platform. The best thing about this platform is that it puts the player right in the middle. To enable us to grow, we are also involved in working with third-party developers and if there are users who have any problems, we are always open to hearing from you. Become part of the history and great success story by entering this project and participating in the sale of our tokens in the future. Special thanks for you! Yours sincerely, CVB Team.




ETH Address:0xfC9eC58F3F077874ABdAf6F971f63E84d6F134c4

Jumat, 04 Oktober 2019

GoldeNugget - become the best precious metals blockchain in the industrial world



Goldenugget is a platform that is a combination of decentralized blockchain technology and the oldest, most reliable, augmented and stable asset, namely gold. One of the main features of Goldenugget is the first Crypto platform, which allows token holders (GNTOs) to buy or sell Dutch gold at auction.

The history of Goldenugget reflects a family-owned industrial company with many years of experience installing heavy equipment (ceramics), and now our knowledge will be used in the development and production of environmentally friendly new methods for extracting precious metals from the earth. Gold subject to exploitation can only be acquired through our GNTO token on the Goldenugget platform, which will be used at our enterprise in West Africa, where we have been present for more than 10 years. This is the big difference between GOLDENUGGET and 99% of projects that are guaranteed gold on the blockchain.


GoldeNugget is already an active product: in West Africa, more than 3,000,000 euros have been invested in the purchase of equipment for the gold mining industry.

Different types of mining methods can have a significant impact on public health and the environment. Erosion of open storage, removal of mines, hillsides and subsequent siltation of streams, waterways and rivers can affect neighboring areas. Mining around agricultural land can damage or disrupt productive agricultural land or pasture, while in desert areas it damages or harms ecosystems.

The effects of mining are observed after stopping the mining process. Destruction or radical change in a previously prepared landscape can have a big impact on biodiversity in the area. Mining poses a serious threat to biodiversity, as it leads to significant loss of habitat, which affects microorganisms, vegetation and animals. Changes in temperature due to mining can disrupt the living conditions of people who live near the site. Different types of plants and animals are most affected because they are very sensitive.



Goldenugget's goal is to develop a platform for buying gold. The Goldenugget platform allows GNTO Token buyers to buy gold directly or participate in Dutch auctions, giving them valuable opportunities to buy gold at low prices.

We tried to create a platform for buying gold.
GoldeNugget actually allows GNTO token holders to buy gold directly or to participate in a Dutch gold auction;
A unique opportunity to get gold at the lowest price.
GNTO is the only physical golden link between cryptography that exists between the gold mining industry and cryptocurrency.
100% environmentally friendly gold miners


To be the leading innovator in underground mining on the planet, this is what GOLDENUGGET strives for. As you know, underground mining is not an environmental business, but GOLDENUGGET is looking for ways to revolutionize the industry. Thanks to the use of new environmentally friendly chemicals that are non-toxic, and thus the development of the most environmentally friendly miners on the planet, respect for our neighbors and work with them to create and create infrastructure and services, so that after the completion of the project they have something to develop.

we strive to become the most influential;
an innovative mining company, not forgetting any ethical aspects.
respect our neighbors; we will work with them to create and create the infrastructure that will make Goldenugget the largest blockchain platform for precious metals.
The only existing cryptophysical gold link between the gold mining industry and the crypto revolution;


GNTO is a GoldeNugget ERC20 compatible token that is registered on the Ethereum core network, is printed in the amount of 30,000,000 units with 18 decimal places and will be used by buyers to buy gold at “outlet” prices, or on our reverse auction website or in the Netherlands. Auction.
Goldenget Blockchain is a publicly licensed blockchain compatible with EVM (Ethereum virtual machine) with a consistent confirmation algorithm.

Blocks are checked every 30 seconds.
Blockchain Goldenugget stores and tracks all operations, from gold mining to delivery of goods, as well as on the Reverse Auctions website, tracking items to be sold, making them redeemable at any time.


Environmentally friendly mining:

Let's now explain the mining process of CIL

Carbon Lye (CIL), which is currently the most advanced gold mining process.

The CIL Gold Recovery Plant recovered 85% of the gold spent in the factory. From a ball mill, the suspension is pumped into a CIL leach tank, where pH is required if necessary, and mixed for a certain period of time.

Increase the number of reactions and reduce the washing time. Cyanide is added to the first tank. Each carbon leach tank has a carbon retention screen. Porridge can be moved between tanks or pumped. The washing process typically uses 4 to 6 tanks per batch. From the first tank, the loaded carbon is pumped with a booster pump (not to reduce carbon) to the carbon screen, where the pulp passes through the screen and holds the carbon.

Then carbon is sent to the carbon removal process. It can be atmospheric pressure with a higher pressure. The High Pressure Zadra method requires less time to separate and is popular for this reason. The distillation solution is usually a heated solution of cyanide and sodium hydroxide. Stripping may take several hours. Then the benefits are pumped into the electrolytic cells, where the precious metals are attached to the cathode, which is made of steel or steel wool.

The thickener is used to maintain most of the constants in the ore, so it is necessary and uses more air used in the process, smaller containers and smaller air sources. Greater process control and optimization on older plants with older technology, such as conventional CIL plants without a thickener. Therefore, the leaching process is reduced by 20%, which leads to a leaching time after 8-13 hours. All this helps us to conduct mining with very high environmental standards, which are good for business and the planet.


Token Information:

Token Name: Gold Nugget Sign
Token Symbol: GNTO
GNTO total: 30,000,000 GNTO
Available for IEO (Hard Cap): 19.5 million GNTO
Emission Level: New Tokens Will Not Be Issued
Token exchange: will not be released to the market within 12 months
Amount issued: tokens that were exchanged for gold on the Goldenugget platform will be released to the market by exchange at market prices.
Conversion Rate: 1 GNTO = 1 US dollar or equivalent ETH


Creating great projects requires a lot of dedication, hard work and a large number of organizations. Goldenugget has been in our minds for a long time, however we have an unusual plan for the future. Each stage is considered the best performance, and with each step we will be closer to the final success.


April: Extraordinary Afro-West African Minerals
LLC began with investments of more than 3,000,000.00.


January: it was decided to invest in a blockchain project.
May: Start of the project - Seminar for making strategic decisions. Project launch in June: blockchain development begins.
June: name and logo definition.
July: development of the project site begins. September: prototype development of Smart Contract + collision test.


January: end of the blockchain + emergency test. Raja: The white paper is ending - the settlement is complete. Launch IEO (initial exchange offer).
September sro branch. Gold sales will begin in September.
September: Dutch auction begins.
December: mining begins in Ghana. Phase 1. Severity.


March: Mining operations begin in Ghana. Stage 2. Flushing of coal.

The Team Behind GOLDENUGGET:


Ettore Massimiliano Nassetti (Founder and Chair)
Roberto Piras Arrobbio (Founder and Director)
Christian Di Maria (General Manager)


Michael Haerens (Department Head)
Christian Bimmy (Technical Director)
Marco Massagrande (Senior System Administrator)


Ismail Malik (ICO Campaign)
Carlo Buonpain (Crypto Village Accelerator)
Vincenzo Cammizotto
Sabrina Princigalli
Filippo Balsano




ETH Address:0xfC9eC58F3F077874ABdAf6F971f63E84d6F134c4

Rabu, 02 Oktober 2019

Mainfinex REVIEW

Many of us no longer need to explain the benefits of modern Blockchain technology. We know exactly what the advantages are and how they can change the structure of many technical processes in all areas and areas of our lives.

The cryptocurrency market also seems to be getting more popular every day. With the increase in cryptocurrency astronomically like Bitcoin and Ethereum, and others.

At present there are many digital platforms that use human resources that still lack sufficient skills. So that it causes the lack of quality of the technology created. This affects the operating system platforms that initially performed well, but eventually fell when having to deal with a large number of transactions. And often users experience transaction failures caused by this network problem. Some users who cannot tolerate this then choose to leave the platform. This is a form of disappointment shown because the technology system that is designed is not reliable.

From my reasons above, today I will introduce you to a trading platform that promises to provide a great experience for users when using this trading platform.


Mainfinex is a completely new solution in exchanging cryptocurrency. Mainfinex is a universal trading platform that has a variety of services for buying, trading and exchanging digital currencies.

Mainfinex offers trusted exchanges that crypto traders can use to make informed trades and participate in the cryptocurrency market. At the time of launch, Mainfinex offered 15 different cryptocurrency pairs, all of which included USDT. Mainfinex cryptocurrency exchanges offer something for every type of trader, regardless of level of experience. Beginners will appreciate the intuitive interface and the fact that Mainfinex uses Tradingview charts, which have many online tutorials for guidance. Advanced traders will appreciate hundreds of drawing tools, a large number of indicators, and a high level of chart customization.


The main goal of the Mainfinex exchange developers is that users have all the convenience to carry out their exchange operations, implementing each individual process quickly and with a minimum commission.

With the advent of this kind of project, the lives of many traders will change to “before and after”. Since it is in Mainfinex they will find the most reliable and high-quality momentum, which is based not only on the automatic presentation of market analysis and some abstract theories. And it is formed directly on the experience and knowledge of PRO traders who form the market Analytics for hours, revealing its dynamics and growth rates.

Mainfinex will Launch, and Provide Simple Crypto Trading on November 1.

On November 1, 2019, Mainfinex will be officially launched, offering cryptocurrency traders a simplified interface for completing their transactions.

Mainfinex will build on its previous experience when the beta version goes online on March 28, and IEO Mainfinex starts September 16. MAINFINEX offers trusted exchanges that can be used by crypto traders to conduct informed trade and participate in the cryptocurrency market.

Cryptocurrency Offers:

At the time of launch, Mainfinex offered 15 different cryptocurrency pairs, all of which included USDT, Tether. This is:


As Mainfinex grows, the list of cryptocurrency will likely expand and will also include pairs involving assets other than USDT.

Mainfinex also makes it easy for website visitors to find all relevant information, from the latest news to support to login and registration.


No doubt, to appreciate all the advantages and features of Mainfinex you will not have enough of my brief review. However, here I only touch on the part of the full concept that you can learn through the project’s technical documents.

As for my own opinion, I think this project is very interesting and promising. Because the market really doesn’t have such a platform, where people will be able to screw up their luck and learn how to trade because they are able to do PRO traders.

And to fully understand the essence of this process, I still recommend that you get to know Mainfinex in more detail. To do this, I have prepared all the necessary resources, the links of which you will find at the end of this article. There he is! Thank you for your attention and see you again!
The official resources MAINFINEX:



ETH Address:0xfC9eC58F3F077874ABdAf6F971f63E84d6F134c4


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