Rabu, 24 April 2019

ARCC token IBMR.IO - a macroeconomic stable coin that aims to become a regional crypto-reserve currency! Ico


Today, everyone speaks about corruption and feels blame for all troubles and failures, and they also consider it their duty to complain about careless officials who are often bribe-takers. Everyone knows that this is the worst enemy of social well-being and economic development of the country, but the most paradoxical thing is that no one really wants to fight corruption. But why, if corruption - is it so convenient? Although everyone knows what the term "corruption" means, few people know that this problem is as old as the world. You might be surprised, but even in primitive societies it was customary to make offerings to chiefs or priests in order to secure their favor. Corruption does not appear in society overnight. The essence of corruption is manifested in those social phenomena with which it is deeply interconnected. These include insufficient legal literacy of citizens, low citizenship of citizens. What drives corruption: inefficient and inequitable distribution and expenditure of material and non-material benefits, reduced efficiency of state and municipal bodies, a slowdown in economic growth, a decrease in the level of trust in government and more. Then a logical question arises - if there is exactly as much corruption in the world as people live on this earth, then corruption is an integral part of the existence of any human society? Then how to deal with it, if it is part of human nature?

The solution to this global problem is offered by IBMR.io, which launches its own cryptocurrency ARCC. ARCC is a macroeconomic stable coin that aims to become a regional crypto-reserve currency supported by a socio-economic network and a structure of foreign exchange reserves. Built on a decentralized network, ARCC plans to instantly gain broad influence through empowering entrepreneurs in a decentralized financial system, where participation really matters. To eliminate infrastructural inefficiencies by reducing corruption through financial coverage of the urban working class, ARCC hopes to spark all levels of economic activity in Southeast Asia.

Social proof of work is the foundation of the IBMR.io economic development model, which creates an inclusive wealth distribution network that promotes radical social transparency for a non-corruption business environment, which makes it possible to optimally use the macroeconomic stable coin crypto-reserve currency as a micro asset for production.

The problem that ARCC solves is named as economic development under market conditions. This model defines the reduction of systemic corruption, as well as the need for access to duty-free capital as the main factors to be addressed. The combination of these two factors leads to an increase in long-term urban productivity. Functionally, reducing systemic corruption will create an environment of radical social transparency. This would allow deployed debt-free capital to have the maximum chance of entrepreneurial success due to fair use and the cost of utilities (electricity, Internet, access to public infrastructure, transport and roads). The best feature of cryptocurrency is its ability to provide distributed financial affordability. In this regard, emerging markets get the most from cryptocurrency.

The mining act is the first starting point for acquiring bitcoins and for many cryptocurrencies that use a work proof mechanism. "Social proof of labor" seeks to use the mining act to create a socio-economic network of radical social transparency. In the case of crypto-mining, users invest in equipment, Internet access and electricity. Due to limited investment capital for mining or trading, access to cryptocurrency is limited. In the case of mining “Social proof of work”, users are invited to spend their time and experience in conducting socio-economic research to draw up a map of the real socio-economic conditions in large urban centers. Mining "Social proof of work" is carried out using a mobile application that asks the user to complete surveys covering a number of areas that are usually not registered. This will include basic data such as time spent on their work, travel to work, cases of excess capacity in public transport, security issues, ongoing construction, duration of licenses, electricity bills and even cases of outright extortion by local authorities. The Social Proof of Work application will track all types and instances of corruption, which will then be checked by other users when they are located or registered in the same places. This application additionally aggregates and records the data and scale of problems throughout the city.

When users report, confirm or complete surveys, they automatically get ARCC directly to their account in the online wallet. The amount issued by ARCC will be allocated using the ARCC mining algorithm, and the amount extracted will also be distributed depending on the ARCC pool remaining for the region, the type of survey conducted, and the frequency and volume of surveys conducted within the region edge.

Initial increase in ARCC token:

The main structures in the economic model of the ARCC are currency reserves and symbolic economy. The fundamental structure of the ARCC was created as a hedge fund compensation model, so it is largely based on the performance of the executive team. Thus, management problems are reduced because the executive team has an incentive for high performance and ensuring the integrity of the ARCC market value. The currency reserve for the ARCC will be kept in relatively liquid conditions, but there may be special circumstances when the currency reserve should be used, for example, as the main investment support or actual direct redemption of the ARCC (in case of mitigating circumstances, such as assistance in case of a large natural disaster). disasters). A permanent ARCC monetary policy board will be formed - this is the ARCC MPC, which will have a say in the monetary policy of the ARCC regarding the mitigating circumstances regarding the currency reserve and the supply of the token economy.
Total MPC members: 300!
• The founders of ARCC will act as chairman and vice-chairman of the council in order to conduct and initiate a call to vote or a general council meeting
• 12 members of the general council will be elected to the level of secretary of the council and will be directly responsible for managing the actual voting, voting wording, voting
procedures and integrity of results, issue agenda
• The term of office will be 5 years as a member of the board of the secretariat, after - all seats will go to the general election of a member
• A 12-member secretariat will appoint a chief secretary to organize the secretariat, and their duration will last 12 months and can be changed at any time by internal voting by the secretariat with a majority of 67% of the vote.
• if the general meeting is less than 300 members, the secretariat with 12 members will consist of 10% of the current general meeting up to 12 members
• The first 3 Secretariat staff members will be appointed as ARCC managers.

** This large-scale project is managed by experienced experts with many years of experience.




Telegram Group: https://t.me/arccenglish



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