Kamis, 19 Desember 2019


Hello friends everyone, I'm still with me Devani17, On this occasion I would like to explain about the Emirex project, For more detailed information, let us refer to my writing below.


Digital assets have gone through difficult times in 2009 after the launch of Bitcoin (BTC). It was the launch of Bitcoin (BTC), the first digital asset to deliver a wave of cryptocurrency and many other digital assets. With unrelenting kicks and antagonisms by the government and many financial institutions, it becomes important for assets to find other ways to develop. That way it becomes trading on a digital asset trading platform. That gave rise to the proliferation of cryptocurrency exchanges, which at the last count was more than 500.

It is one thing to trade assets on that platform. Another thing is to ensure that they are traded correctly. For some factors, it has become a kind of war for trading on digital asset trading platforms. On the basis of that problem, the Emirex Exchange was launched to overcome several problems. For basic insights in this article, we will look at some challenges that can be sustained in the traditional digital asset trading ecosystem. After that, we will see how the Emirex Exchange is prepared to overcome these problems, and also in real time.


Indeed, governments and banks struggle to see that cryptocurrency and many other digital assets are not as prominent as they are today. It is also true that designing digital asset trading platforms is a reprieve to a certain extent. It was soon discovered that the platform had some problems too, mainly because it involved trading in digital assets.

The problem is limited liquidity, which tends to return hours because it reduces the likelihood of assets being traded. Limited transaction throughput also creates other problems because traders cannot enjoy direct and real-time trading facilitation. Moreover, it threatens to continue asset trading, given that many digital asset trading platforms do not have enough security frameworks to support user / trader / investor assets.


You want to know if Emirex Exchange has features that make it different from other digital asset trading platforms. Indeed, it has many features that make it the perfect cryptocurrency and digital asset trading platform. It is worth mentioning that Emirex Exchange did not appear a few months ago. Instead, the team behind the platform has been very much in the digital assets sector for years. So, it should not be assumed that Emirex Exchange is one of the digital asset trading platforms which is said to be different only to end up in the same abyss as the others before.


Emirex Exchange did not appear a few months ago. Launched less than a decade after the debut of Bitcoin (BTC). That was precisely in 2014. At that time, the team behind the platform, the Emirex Group of Companies, was established to function as an advisor for the integration and use of blockchain technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in many established companies and emerging traditional businesses. Not only that. The company also continues to provide guidance to many regulators and governments on how to utilize two disruptive technologies (blockchain technology and Artificial Intelligence) in many fields of business.

The advisory role continued into 2017 when the Emirex Group of Companies continued to identify disruptive gaps in the digital asset sector. This gap is not connected with irregularities in digital asset trading. That informs the reason why the company sets out the task of creating and delegating digital asset exchange platforms where all types of digital assets (commodity tokens, protocols, and cryptocurrency) can be traded. Digital asset exchangers become an instant hit in time because it makes it easier for users to buy and sell digital assets without interruption. With the successful launch of a digital asset exchange called BitMeEx (Bitcoin Middle East Exchange) in the early months of 2018, companies can increase trade and use of digital assets in the Middle East.

Haven noted great success at the time, the Emirex Group of Companies once again went on to create a new platform that would surpass the Middle East. The platform called Emirex Exchange will create a moment of redefining in digital asset trading. Among the many benefits that accompany it are coverage of more parts of the world (Africa, South America and Europe), as well as providing a more convenient way of banking for banks and those who do not have banks. That and much more is feasible in the new digital economy that connects the Middle East with Europe, South America, Asia and Africa. Maybe through the Emirex Exchange.


It is said that Emirex Exchange is one of the next generation digital asset trading platforms. That can be possible if only has the features needed to support the movement. Indeed, they have and are set to push forward until goals become reality. Once again, what makes Emirex Exchange one of the best digital asset trading platforms? The features and factors that underline the displacement are highlighted below.

Professional Trade Chat

It is not news that blind people cannot lead blind people. If so, blind leaders and blind followers tend to fall into serious problems and accidents along the way. Therefore, it is very important for digital asset traders to know the things that need to be done to achieve great success in their trading. That is a feature missing on almost all digital asset trading platforms.

Now, the Emirex Exchange makes it possible for traders and users to interact in a special ecosystem called Professional Trade Chat. This platform creates real-time communication media among traders. Just as traders are allowed to share ideas about the best steps to take forward from the next trade, they are also offered timely updates on new developments in the digital economy. From providing new services, announcing a list of new digital assets to updating costs and new events, Professional Trading Chat makes it easy for digital asset traders to keep abreast of the latest developments in the sector.

Fiat Interoperability

It has been a long time since digital assets have tried to have some interoperability and integration with their physical and fiat asset partners. Even in the midst of heavy sanctions and regulations by banks and the government, assets continue to push for it. Things are now going according to plan because much needed interoperability between digital assets and paper currencies will become a reality. Emirex Exchange has provided a lot of media to make it possible.

The first media for crypto-to-fiat interoperability and vice versa is support for crediting digital asset wallets directly from bank accounts. Fiat payment channels also allow users and merchants to use debit and credit cards for payments.

On the other hand, the fiat payment gateway introduced by Emirex Exchange also supports deposits and withdrawals. The interesting thing there is that users and merchants can facilitate such payments using many payment methods, such as credit cards, debit cards, and bank accounts.

Social Trading

Indeed, Emirex Exchange created Professional Trade Chat to be a way and a meeting point for traders to communicate among themselves. It is one thing to share ideas, and another thing so that ideas become fruitful. In the event that traders brainstorm to generate ideas only for the same failure in the end, it can be a high point for some traders who want to stop trading.

Understanding the plight of digital asset traders in such circumstances, the Emirex Exchange once again proceeded to make a Copy and Function of Social Trading. This is a medium for amateur and almost professional traders to join the digital asset trading industry without breaking a sweat. The idea is simplified and each party is expected to play a role for the latter.

On the one hand, there are professional traders who have the means to break even in the market. It is the duty of professional traders to make mark-ups that show accurate trading patterns. They will then continue to test the mark-ups they make to ensure they are accurate. If that's the case, then attach it to other traders and come to take the same steps.

On the other hand, amateur and almost-professional traders will rely on professional traders, whom they consider to be experts in trading digital assets. The focus is to look at mark-ups made by professional traders and wait for signals to trade. They only need to copy positions that are opened and managed by professional traders. You will agree that this is not an arduous task, just as it is a faster way to invest in digital assets.

Professional Trading Interface

You want an interface that doesn't confuse you. Emirex Exchange has an intuitive and professional interface that makes trading digital assets easier for users. In this case, you will not only get access to a professional and sophisticated trading interface. You will also get access to a simplified interface.

Digital Asset Transboundary Delivery

There is no hassle at this time in sending digital assets of all types across the border. In addition, the purpose behind this first asset, Bitcoin (BTC), is to create a peer-to-peer media for transferring wealth. Therefore, the next digital asset must have the same path.

Emirex Exchange does an extraordinary job by making order books that can handle up to 1 million transactions / orders every second. Moreover, it ensures scalability in terms of sending assets to recipients / cross-border recipients.

Detention of Digital Assets

It's been a long time since the security of digital assets has become a source of concern. You don't need to bother with the fate of your assets as long as you trade through Emirex Exchange. This platform has dedicated storage of digital assets where users' funds are stored securely.

Inclusive Digital Wallet

Digital wallet provides a medium for investors to save their funds. The main drawback to using it is the limited assets that it can contain. That's why you need to get Emirex Wallet. The wallet, which can be operated with Emirex Exchange, allows you to store lots of digital assets. Ideally, this supports all digital assets registered and traded on the Emirex Exchange.

It is worth mentioning that Emirex Wallet can be operated with Android and iOS smartphones. More than that, users are permitted to enjoy seamless and safe sending, receiving and storing digital assets. For additional functions, you might want to upgrade to the professional version where you can enjoy managing a lot of private keys while on the go.

Access to Middle Eastern Wealth

The Middle East is one part of the world that literally flows with milk and honey. This continues to be the home of a developing economy, because the policies in force are imposed by the government. With thousands of people who don't have bank accounts in the Middle East, using the Emirex Exchange can be a game changer for many who intend to gain access to the abundant wealth that flows in the Middle East.


Emirex Exchange is an extraordinary project and it is hoped that investors from the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe and South America will realize the great potential it has and follow it up by utilizing this platform soon.

For more information about the Emirex project, please visit the link below:


Telegram: @Devani17
My Emirex ID: IDED3BDDEF59

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