Selasa, 03 November 2020

The DeFiXy Protocol is a Decentralized Stage Money (Defi) and P2P Commercial Center for Crypto-Assets and other Crypto Goods.

Hello Everyone, Come back with me Devani17, On my blog this time, I will give a little explanation about the Crypto project, namely the DeFiXy Protocol, the DeFiXy Protocol, the Decentralization Stage (Defi) and a commercial P2P center for Crypto-assets and crypto goods. other. For more details, let's see my blog below.!


In this chapter, the DeFiXy Protocol describes and describes the format of the problem. A brief description of the features and services provided is also included. Simply put, the DeFiXy Protocol describes itself as an amazon-like blockchain platform that provides an easy-to-use solution for the everyday crypto asset user. Our solution overcomes the complexities that come with trading crypto assets with fiats, and using the DeFi service.

What is DeFiXy Protocol?

The DeFiXy Protocol is a Decentralized Stage Money (Defi) and P2P Commercial Center for Crypto-Assets and other Crypto Items. The basic highlights on offer include a p2p commercial center where clients can exchange / hide crypto resources, clients can also open their own small booth and offer customized services for different clients.


Most people still remember the response of Mark Cuban, a well-known American businessman, when asked what was needed to make cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) widely accepted. She says; “It should be very easy to use, no need to measure it. It should be completely friction free and can be dictated by everyone in advance. "

It overcomes the complexities that come with most (if not all) blockchain technologies. Try how complicated it was for you to buy your first cryptocurrency, how many platforms or applications did you research until you finally found one application / platform that supports conversion of fiat to cryptocurrency. If you are already using cryptocurrencies and other blockchain solutions, this is no longer a problem for you, but about newcomers, who want to use blockchain solutions or even have no other alternative but to use blockchain solutions but stay away because they do. don't understand the literary basics.

As long as people stay away, blockchain technology will not be massively adopted. While not everyone will understand it the way Mark Cuban suggests, it should be easy to use. While it's not completely friction-free as Mark Cuban has also noticed, it shouldn't be too friction-free.


As long as blockchain technology remains complex, mass adoption will not be achieved. As more people have access to blockchain solutions and those that are easy to use, the adoption rate will increase rapidly. This motivates the development of solutions that reduce the complexity and friction that comes with using blockchain solutions.

In this sense, the DeFiXy protocol presents a user-friendly Amazon-like p2p Marketplace. A decentralized market built in such a way that the hassle and friction that carries out Fiat to Crypto transactions is reduced. Our mission is to seamlessly connect the economy powered by Fiat to the crypto space for doing, creating a platform where inexperienced people can easily join in. The features that the DeFiXy Protocol offers include:

P2P market (exchange);

Where individuals can trade crypto assets in a decentralized way. The main features of the P2P market are as follows: The ability of users to trade or co-exist between whitelisted assets, even between assets signed to the blockchain and also between whitelisted and fiat-supported assets. Individuals with assets at stake can create mini-kiosks within the platform and offer unbeatable products and services to other users. Kiosk owners enjoy a share of the transaction fees accumulated on the platform among other benefits.

Dynamic Bet;

The staking feature offered by the DeFiXy protocol provides the user with different thresholds, these thresholds are a function of two variables, the duration of the locks measured in days and the dynamic demand-supply factor (δd δs (t)) of the betting asset. The protocol also offers locking purchases. In this way, someone who initially staked his assets for a period (say 30 days of closure) could sell his shares prematurely, but the action incurred a cost to buy the key.

DeFi service;

The DeFiXy protocol offers DeFi services such as lending and borrowing. Users can take out secured loans with competitive interest rates. The rates for borrowers and lenders are determined by the mixed user guarantee ratio (βr). Since the offer offered has no due date, there are no late payments but the borrower can arrange recurring payments which are automatically deducted on any of the assets supported or specified by the borrower. Likewise, lenders can lend assets in loan mode, flexible period or loan mode, fixed period. With the latter offering a better interest rate.

Debit card integration;

After meeting regulatory requirements in the target region, the DeFiXy protocol will integrate a card payment solution that will allow users to spend on crypto assets right away. The DeFiXy protocol will implement all of these features by the average individual with little or no understanding of blockchain. This platform will integrate a user interface which is very user friendly. Individuals will be accepted on the platform seamlessly and seamlessly, even for those who are new to the space.


In this chapter, the technologies presented by DeFiXy Protocol will be discussed. It is broken down into individual features / services. The way each feature and service will be discussed in each other. It should be noted that the features are not discussed in any particular order.

The betting service offered by the DeFiXy Protocol changes what we call Proof of Commitment (PoC) consensus. Staking rewards that are enjoyed by stakers vary (increase) so stakers who commit to a longer period enjoy higher staking rewards. Consensus betting is an integral part of our platform as this is what other features use to work. Dynamic stake matures in two stages, the alpha stage (α pole) and the beta stage (β pole).

Α Bets are bets that are applied before DeFi and p2p Marketplace have been enforced. It supports early-time supporters to enjoy unmatched betting rewards. Bet prizes follow the given model:

Where NDF X is the number of tokens staked by the user and, rα is the annual reward.
The α-stake reward rα (t) is a function of time, this is given by Equation 2.2 and Figure 2.1.
This second equation is the period in which the user bets without claim claims or token releases. This was revealed in a few days.
Even though the credibility level is calculated in days, the actual calculation is done every minute of the block. This equation is expressed in minutes, as used for calculations can be found in appendix A.
Exclusive to our early supporters, the rewards grew from 15% revenue to a maximum of 45% in just 21 days. No need to lock up to enjoy this huge advantage.
It should be noted that each time a user claims a prize, or bet token, the time is reset so that the initial price is 15%.


What to expect - Tokenomics;

In this chapter, the Tokenomic DeFiXy Protocol is presented. The token distribution and value proposition are also included

DeFiXy Protocol Token;

DeFiXy protocol functionality is very affordable on native tokens. So, tokens are utility tokens.

Token details:

Token Name: DeFiXy
Ticker Token: DFX
Token Type: ERC20
Decimal: 18
Token Contract: 0x81bc8af0f2cbd17f97306cbe7bea5a5927a0646a

Token Distribution:

Token Sales: 4 .0%
Α-bet prize: 2.0%
Β-bet prize: 50.0%
Establishment: 5.0%
Advisory Board: 2.5%
Marking Prize: 2.5%
Increase Rewards: 7.5%
List of Exchanges: 2.5%
Base: 4 .0%
Busine ss Partne rships: 20.0%


Team Expansion: 20.0%
Protocol Development: 60.0%
List of Exchanges: 13.3%
Marketing / Advertising: 6.7%


April - Juni 2020:
Riset dan Analisis Pasar Selesai

Mei - Juli 2020:
Konsep dan Desain Teknologi Lengkap

Mei - Agustus 2020:
Α-Implementasi Stake Selesai

Juli - Sept 2020:
Pengujian dan Peluncuran α-Stake Selesai

Sept - Dec 2020:
Expansion, Marketing & Stock List Completed

Oct - Q1 2020:
Platform Upgrade Complete

May - Dec 2020:
Development of the β-Stake Mechanism Coming Soon

Oct - Dec 2020:
DeFi Implementation and Integration Coming Soon

Nov - Q1 2021:
DeFi Launch and Test Coming Soon

Q1 - Q3 2021:
P2P Market Integration and Implementation Coming Soon

Q1 - Q3 2021:
Fiat Gateway Integration Coming Soon

Q2 - Q4 2021:
P2P Market Launch and Testing

Q4 2021:
Further Development, Integration of Direct Payment Systems


The DeFiXy protocol offers DeFi administration, for example, lend and earn. Clients can take a deposit that is secured with serious loan costs. The DeFiXy Convention will execute all those highlights with the common man as there is almost no understanding of blockchain. The stage will incorporate a very user friendly UI. People will have the option to interact with the stage in a seamless and consistent manner, even for those who are new to the space. To stay informed, follow us on our social media pages listed below. Don't miss to join and get profit.




ETH Wallet Address: 0xfC9eC58F3F077874ABdAf6F971f63E84d6F134c4